Hackers Underworld 2: Forbidden Knowledge
Hackers Underworld 2: Forbidden Knowledge.iso
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Text File
309 lines
HELP command-name
to get information on that command
$$ Stores batch job submittal options inside command file
* /* Command file comment lines
ABBREV Abbreviation processsor
ADDISK (Operator command)
ADD_REMOTE_ID Sets up user id for remote systems
AMLC (Operator command)
ARCHIVE Archives disk files to tape
ARCHIVE_RELEASE Releases an ARCHIVE tape for future use
ARCHIVE_RESTORE Restores files archived on tape to disk
ASRCWD Sets virtual ASR control word
ASSIGN Assigns peripheral device
ATM Invokes OAS Advanced Text Management module
ATM_ADMIN (Replaced by OA_ADMIN command)
ATTACH Attaches to a UFD, sub-UFD, or MFD
AVAIL Prints disk usage statistics
BACKUP Logical disk-to-tape backup (operator command)
BACKUP_RELEASE Releases BACKUP tape for future use (operator command)
BACKUP_RESTORE Restores backup files from tape to disk (Operator)
BASIC Loads Prime BASIC language interpreter
BASICV Invokes virtual-memory BASIC
BATCH Displays Batch information
BATGEN Displayf information about Batch queues
BINARY Opens binary file
BIND Linking command (V-mode and I-mode)
BOOT_CREATE Creates a boot tape
BRMS (Backup/Recovery Management Service)
CBL Invokes COBOL 74 compiler
CBLDML CBL (COBOL 74) DML Preprocessor
CBLSUBS COBOL 74 Subschema DDL Compiler
CC Invokes C compiler
CDML COBOL DML Preprocessor
CHANGE_PASSWORD Changes the user's login password
CHAP Changes the user's execution priority level
CLOSE Closes file unit(s)
CLUP ROAM Command Processor Clean-Up Program
CMPF Compares up to five ASCII files
CNAME Changes name of file or directody
CN_RBF Changes name of a ROAM user file
COBOL Invokes COBOL compiler
COMINPUT Executes a command input file
COMOUTPUT Opens command output file
COMPILERS (Prime's Compilers)
CONCAT Combines files for spooling
CONFIG (Operator command)
CONFIG_NET (Network Administrator Command)
COPY Copies file system objects
COPY_DISK (Operator command)
COPY_RBF Replicates or moves a ROAM file
CPL Executes a CPL program
CPMPC Punches a file onto cards
CREATE Creates a new directory
CREATK Creates and modifies MIDASPLUS file templates
CRMPC Reads cards into a file
CSUBS COBOL Subschema DDL Compiler
DATE Displays current time and date
DBACP Data Base Administrator Command Processor
DBASIC Loads Prime BASIC language interpreter
DBG Invokes Source Level Debugger
DBUTL Data Base Utility
DEBUGGERS (Prime's debuggers)
DEFINE_GVAR Activates a global variable file
DELAY Sets terminal delay characteristics
DELETE Deletes files or directories
DELETE_RBF Deletes an active or inactive ROAM file
DELETE_VAR Deletes global variables
DELSEG Deletes segments
DIAG PRISAM File Diagnostic Utility
DISCOVER DBMS and PRISAM Query Language and Report Writer
DISKS @ (Operator command)
DISLOG Logs out disconnected user (Configuration Directive)
DMSTK Dumps user stack information
DOCUMENTS (List of current technical publications)
DPTCFG Compiles DPTX configuration file
DPTX (Operator command)
DPTXMTR DPTX monitoring utility
DROPDTR Forces dropping of Data Terminal Ready signal
ED A line-oriented text editor
EDB Invokes binary editor
EDITOR (Text Editor)
EDIT_ACCESS Modifies an existing ACL
EDIT_EFU Creates/modifies a file of formatting parameters (PRIME/SNA)
EDIT_PROFILE Creates and updates system validation files
EDUCATION Lists the current customer classes offered
ELIGTS (Operator command)
EMACS Screen-oriented editor
EPF (Dynamic runfiles)
EVENT_LOG (Operator Command)
F77 Invokes FORTRAN 77 compiler
F77DML FORTRAN 77 DML Preprocessor
F77SUBS FORTRAN 77 Subschema DDL Compiler
FAP FORMS Administrative Processor
FAU PRISAM File Administrator Utility
FDL FORMS Definition Language
FDML FTN DML Preprocessor
FILMEM Zeroes out memory
FILVER Compares runfiles
FIND_RING_BREAK (PRIMENET operator command)
FIXRAT (Operator command)
FIX_DISK (Operator command)
FORMS Forms Management System
FORTRAN (Prime's two FORTRAN compilers)
FSUBS FORTRAN Subschema DDL Compiler
FTGEN FTS System Administrator Command
FTN Invokes FORTRAN IV Compiler
FTOP FTS Operator Command
FTR FTS File Transfer Request Command
FTS Communications File Transfer Service
FUTIL File utility